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You Want to stand out - Put the Spotlight on Your Skills

In today’s competitive job market, having a skills-based resume isn't just a luxury, it's a necessity. More and more, companies are looking for candidates who are not just qualified but possess a variety of skills that could be used in various ways in the organization.  A study done by Forbes shows that recruiters only spend about 6-8 seconds reviewing a resume.  So, having a resume that puts the spotlight on your skills is your ticket to standing out from other candidates. 

Let's talk about why a skills-based resume is your secret weapon.


Stand out from the crowd – Rather than just a rundown of past jobs and education, a skills-based resume puts the spotlight on your unique abilities and strengths.  This could be the key to standing out form other candidates who are also applying for the same position. 


Turn the spotlight on your skills not your gaps – It is common for people to have gaps in their work history due to personal commitments, career changes etc.  With a skills-based resume, you can emphasize the skills and experience you've gained during that time, instead of just the gaps.  A study by McKinsey shows that 41% of recruiters look for skills on a resume first. 


Tailored application for the win – A skills-based resume lets you highlight the skills for the job you’re applying for, proving you're not just a good candidate, but the right candidate.


Kickstart a new career or industry – Don't have direct experience in the field you're applying for? No problem. Use your skills-based resume to show off transferrable skills that are applicable to the new role. 


A skills-based resume is essential in today’s job market.   Think of it as a billboard showcasing your skills and experiences.  It highlights your ability to flourish and adapt in any job role and proof of your commitment to continuously learn and develop, a trait that employers embrace. 

And let's not forget the rise of AI in recruitment. A skills-based resume filled with relevant keywords can get you through these automated gatekeepers.

Having a well-crafted skills-based resume is crucial for anyone looking for job opportunities in today's market. By effectively showcasing your unique abilities, transferable skills, and potential for growth, you can make a strong impression on potential employers and increase your chances of landing your desired job. By showcasing your unique skills, transferrable knowledge, and potential for growth, you're not just looking for a job, you're commanding attention.


But remember, never let your skills stagnate. Attend workshops, enroll in online courses, or seek mentorship opportunities. The more diverse and relevant your skills, the more irresistible you become to potential employers.

Start reworking your resume today to highlight your skills.   


Not sure where to start? Download our free eBook on converting your resume to a skills-based spotlight.